Coach Kim’s Secret Santa Program

During the holiday season, many wonderful blessings occur (i.e. good health, family, food and friends).  However, there are many families, in our area, who can’t afford a Christmas tree for their children, who can’t afford the small things, such as soap, jackets, caps, crayons, gloves, etc.  Nine years ago, Coach Kim’s Secret Santa’s was created by YOU, and we were able to help the Angell, and other families in our area.

Mr. Angell (his real last name) has three children (12, 11 & 5), had to borrow money to get a Christmas tree for his kids, and was having a very, very tough year.  Through your help, we were able to give him, his wife and kids a wonderful Christmas. He is now on solid ground (financially) and is a participant in our Coach Kim’s Secret Santa’s program.

Our newly adopted families are at a Children’s Shelter named Bethany Place (single moms, 6 girls {2-3 yrs old; 2-5 yrs old; 1-6 yrs old; and 1-8 yrs old})

Now, we understand that our economy has put all of us in a tough situation, but many of us are still very blessed to have heat in our house, gas in our car, food in our refrigerator and healthy families.

We are looking for some Angels to help the Coach Kim’s Secret Santa’s program and make this a Merry Christmas for our new 2018 adopted family. We have partnered with City of Milton and other awesome families to bring some smiles this season.

Our Coach Kim’s Secret Santa’s will provide our newly adopted families with gift cards (i.e. Kroger, Publix, Sears, Walgreen’s, Best Buy, Target, etc.), socks, jackets, caps, video games or whatever your heart desires. It can be $5, or $100 gift card (does not matter).  The choice is yours and anything is greatly appreciated.

Coach Kim’s Secret Santa’s Program Deadline is December 16th, hence this gives our adopted family time to get a Christmas tree and place gifts under the tree for their children.

For more information, click the link below to contact Bethany Place:


Thank you,

Coach Kim
Halftime Sports, LLC